
Auto Guide (Page 20)

Maruti Ertiga- The Brand new Life Utility Vehicle from Maruti!

Introduction Who hasn’t heard and trusted the Maruti brand in the Indian car industry? Maruti Ertiga, the Multi Utility Vehicle (MUV) from the most favourite Maruti came in with a big bang. It saw massive bookings steering upto 32,000 in the first month after its launch. This staggering success was due to its competitive price in the B+ hatchback segment. Try booking one and you will be amazed... ❯❯❯

Some Simple Tips to Keep Your Car Operating at Peak Efficiency

Some Simple Tips to Keep Your Car Operating at Peak EfficiencyThese days, it is important to save as much money as possible, due to the fairly fragile state of our local economy. Many people are in fact trying to pare back their expenses, and if they can, pay down on any outstanding debts that they have. It can be safely said that the UK has begun to adopt somewhat of a bunker mentality, in an effort to write out the crisis which has swirled around the... ❯❯❯

Why You Need Good Auto Insurance

All of us car owners know that we need auto insurance right? It's not only the law to own in in most parts of the world, but it's also important to make sure we protect ourselves and our families. Automobiles are expensive to own and maintain, and the people they transport are even more important. If we're ever in an accident, we want to make sure we are protected from the financial burdens... ❯❯❯

Don't Get Ripped Off At The Auto Repair Shop

Everyone has heard of horror stories of some poor guy getting overcharged at the auto repair shop or getting charged for a “problem” that never existed in the first place.  It’s almost enough to make us want to give up driving altogether.  Unfortunately most of us will have to get our cars fixed at one point in time.  Here are a few tips to help you avoid the pitfalls and emerge with your wallet... ❯❯❯

Commercial Vehicles – The Driver Holds The Key To Safe Driving

Because of their dimensions and also weight, mishaps with commercial vehicles like big trucks, buses create catastrophic consequences like complete damage of the motor car that happens to collide with them. It can even cause the death of the motorist and also other passengers in the car. Put simply, the opposite party is the one that would always come to grief than the commercial vehicle itself... ❯❯❯

Acura TSX Car Review - Luxury Vehicle That Could Do Better

Acura have come out with a new offering this year with their Acura TSX model.  It costs less than $30,000 US Dollars and is intended to supplement their luxury end range.  However, the Acura TSX does little to further define what a luxury vehicle should be, and it does not really offer much more than what is already available on the market.  It’s possible to buy a luxury car for less than $30,000... ❯❯❯

Top 3 Tire Buying Tips

The tires are some of the most functional parts of the car and needless to say, a car cannot move without them. Despite the importance of tires, most people rarely think of them- that is until they get a puncture. One of the most important things that people learn when they go to driving school is to inspect their car tires every day. A casual glance can tell you if your tires need replacing. If... ❯❯❯

How Locksmith Services Make Unlocking Your Car Look So Easy

You don't want to hear this, but you might as well accept it. Sooner or later, you're going to lock your keys in your car. It happens to everyone and it's nothing to be ashamed of, but it does require immediate action to minimize inconvenience or a potentially more dangerous situation. Fortunately, there are thousands of locksmiths across the country who make it their personal responsibility to... ❯❯❯

8 Questions Couples Should Ask Before Leasing A Car

All couples reach a point where they decide to be together for a long time. At this point, considering whether to buy a car together makes sense. However, the type of car the couple purchases really depends on several factors. What questions should a couple be asking before buying a car? Question 1-What Does The Future HoldYounger couples tend to have unstable futures. Job changes, additions to... ❯❯❯

A Few Steps to Cost-Efficient Car Performance

Do you take the necessary precautions to keep up your car’s performance?  Skipping vehicle safety and maintenance can not only undermine your car’s condition and hence your finances, but it can also seriously endanger you and your passengers.  Follow along to learn of some steps to maintain your car, money, and safety. Check Your Car Regularly At least once each month, you should check on some of... ❯❯❯

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